Handouts, Links and Presentations
This template describes how to organise a content workshop to properly prepare facilitators for their roles and tasks by, for example, conducting role plays.
Here some links that can be of inspiration!
Take a look at the Training Kit for more information!
The outcomes of the activities and the courses realised under the Culture on Prescription project can be presented in different ways and through a diverse range of online platforms and tools.
In particular, these digital resources not only amplify the visibility of the participants’ artistic results, but also create opportunities for a better engagement and interaction.
It is nonetheless essential to consider that, while digital resources can enhance the dissemination of the project results, some people may not feel confident. It is thus necessary for the facilitators to apply the best methodologies to promote and to present the results of the courses, in agreement with the participants.
Facilitators also play a crucial role in providing information regarding data privacy: they should explain the importance of safeguarding personal information online, proactively ensuring that participants are well-informed and equipped with the basics of protecting their privacy during online activities.
There are different options for online presentations:
- YouTube: it allows users to upload recorded plays, monologues, or any theatrical presentations, making them accessible to a global audience.
- Instagram is a visually oriented social media platform that can serve as a digital art gallery for your course participants.
- Behance is a professional platform specifically designed for showcasing creative portfolios. It is an excellent choice for art course participants looking to build an online presence for their artwork.
- For a more immersive digital art presentation, consider using virtual gallery platforms like ArtSteps or Sketchfab.