On the 19th of April 2023 the first German Social Prescribing Conference will take place online from 13:00-17:00. The aim of this conference is to introduce and discuss the concept of “Social Prescribing“.
“Social Prescribing“ means the prescription of social and cultural offers through a personal prescription, which can counteract the isolation and loneliness of socially disadvantaged and vulnerable people.
It is an approach that is still relatively unknown in most countries but on which our Erasmus+ project “Culture on Prescription” is based. It aims to reduce social isolation and loneliness through art and culture.
The conference is organised by the Institute for General Medicine at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin in cooperation with the Global Social Prescribing Alliance and the Urban Primary Care working group.
You can register to the conference via this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=ORnprz6SLEO8ZsvD7BjQLGyk2jKMIs1Jv6Rj4ehihkVUOTVMQldUTEdJS0Q1SDgwVUVPWE1LUzNRWS4u
All further information and the conference’s programme can be found here: https://allgemeinmedizin.charite.de/forschung/arbeitsgruppen/ag_urban_primary_care/1_deutsche_social_prescribing_konferenz/