Event “Einsam, Zweisam, Dreisam” (Lonely, Two, Three)

On 31 May 2023, the Frankfurt Health Department invited to the event “Einsam, Zweisam Dreisam? We show ways out of loneliness and into togetherness”. Representatives of various local organisations such as the Frankfurter Bürgerschaftsinitiative, Selbsthilfe e.V., Haus der Volksarbeit e.V. and around 60 interested people from Frankfurt and the surrounding area came together.
The theme of the event was the increasing prevalence of loneliness and its impact on health, as well as approaches to tackling this problem in the future. Dr Christiane Schlang, Head of the Department of Psychiatry at the Frankfurt Public Health Office, gave a brief overview of loneliness and the aims and background of the Culture on Prescription project. The participants also followed with great interest the first video recordings for a planned short film about the painting course, which were filmed and presented by the course leader Andreas Hett himself.
Afterwards, Mr Hett was joined on stage by representatives of some of the invited organisations, such as Ms Maren Kochbeck from Selbsthilfe e.V. and Ms Antonia von Alten, project manager of “Mobile Krisen- und Lebenshilfe 65+”, as well as Jana Eckert (ISIS) and Dr Christiane Schlang for the “Culture on Prescription” project, to discuss some questions about the implementation of the project and the problem of loneliness in general. Again, there was an opportunity for the audience to ask questions of the panel and this was actively taken up.
At the end of the event, everyone gathered in the foyer, where some of the invited organisations had set up stands to provide more information about loneliness and their own services. Participants were able to talk to the speakers again and discuss further questions about projects or future plans.